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Exploit Development for Linux (x86)
Course Introduction (5:04)
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Lab Setup
Installing Ubuntu 16.04 Desktop (4:50)
Installing tools in the lab VM (11:49)
VM with tools and exploits - Download
x86 Assembly crash course
Introduction and registers (4:20)
MOV instruction and gdb intro (9:26)
Accessing sub registers (3:10)
ADD, SUB, INC, DEC instructions (4:42)
XOR instruction (2:22)
PUSH and POP instructions (3:38)
CMP and JNE instructions (6:35)
CALL, LEAVE, RET instructions (7:49)
Stack Based Buffer Overflows
Introduction (0:58)
Compiling the program - No NX, ASLR & Stack Canary (4:29)
Crashing the program (6:56)
Finding offset to overwrite EIP (8:14)
Using 3rd Party shellcode in the exploit (10:34)
Finalizing the working exploit (8:59)
JMP EAX technique - Introduction (4:19)
JMP EAX Exploit (8:42)
JMP ESP technique - Introduction (7:36)
JMP ESP Exploit (9:08)
Dealing with bad characters
msfvenom and introduction to bad characters (12:57)
Identifying bad characters (7:43)
Final exploit with shellcode from msfvenom (2:47)
Writing Shell Code
Introduction (3:32)
Exit shellcode - Part 1 (6:16)
Exit shellcode - Part 2 (5:25)
Execve shellcode (13:27)
Reverse TCP shellcode - Part 1 (6:49)
Reverse TCP shellcode - Part 2 (4:59)
Reverse TCP shellcode - Part 3 (4:26)
Reverse TCP shellcode - Part 4 (5:34)
Reverse TCP shellcode - Part 5 (7:18)
Bypassing Exploit Mitigation Techniques
Introduction (1:04)
Understanding NX (5:47)
Bypassing NX using Ret2Libc (15:16)
Finding string offsets Using Ropper (1:04)
Understanding and Bypassing ASLR (10:37)
Return Oriented Programming
Introduction (7:03)
Introduction to mprotect (9:14)
Return Oriented Programming - Part 1 (21:03)
Return Oriented Programming - Part 2 (14:36)
Return Oriented Programming - Part 3 (5:26)
Final exploit with rop chain (5:28)
Conclusion (0:22)
JMP ESP technique - Introduction
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